Use "restored the peace|restore the peace" in a sentence

1. The beast was gored and peace restored

2. The feeling restored me; it gave me peace.

3. He foretold that Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace,” would restore peace to the earth.

4. The treaty restored an uneasy peace to the country.

5. Sometimes the police had to come to restore peace and order!

6. The Palestinian police have been called to restore peace and order.

7. She helped to lead the movement until peace was restored in 1885.

8. Peace is restored among the people; Mormon explains his abridgment of the records

9. Knowing that she had arrived safely restored my peace of mind.

10. Theme: How God’s heavenly Kingdom will restore righteousness and peace to the earth

11. For peace to be restored to the earth, a much greater change is needed.

12. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.

13. Peace was restored in Sarawak after the final group of 50 communist guerrillas laid down their arms.

14. The Essene Morning and Evening Communions CS-68 and the Noon Peace Contemplations The Monday Evening Communion with the Angel of Peace "Peace, peace, peace, Angel of Peace, be always everywhere." Contemplate the crescent moon and the moonlight, invoking and visualizing universal peace in all spheres of existence.

15. Keep the peace .

16. But the rebellion failed, and Owain went into hiding in 1412; peace was essentially restored in Wales by 1415.

17. Peace psychological research can be analytically (research on peace) or normatively (research for peace) oriented.

18. The dove represents peace.

19. No peace.

20. Perhaps peace?

21. “All peace!

22. The people clamouring for peace.

23. Peace Bridge

24. The peace talks look promising.

25. 26 We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom Dwight Eisenhower.

26. Jehovah is called “the God of peace” and is identified as the one who “gives peace.”

27. Liberian women were actively involved in the peace process, leading the Mano River Women Peace Network.

28. A democracy that has nonviolence and peace and peace at roots.

29. The destruction of the wicked and the removal of wicked rulership are essential before true peace and prosperity can be restored to the earth.

30. The convention endorsed the peace programme.

31. The Ministers noted with satisfaction the Peace Building Commission's efforts to provide medium and long-term peace consolidation advice to countries emerging from conflict situations, as well as funding from the Peace Building Fund for peace consolidation projects.

32. Implements of peace.

33. Peace confuses them.

34. “Messengers of peace,” diplomats sent to negotiate peace with the warlike Assyrians, face mockery and humiliation.

35. After winning the Peace Prize, Pire also helped found a "Peace University" to raise global understanding.

36. When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger. 

37. Peace and quiet.

38. Peace Amid Turmoil

39. Rest in peace.

40. Denis Magnan, directeur général (780) 466-1680 Peace Association for Lifelong Learning - Peace River (PHF) - $35,000 to facilitate healthy adolescent development in the Peace Health Region.

41. The prospect of peace seems remote.

42. The two countries were at peace.

43. The peace plan wasn't rejected outright.

44. And the peace accord was signed.

45. Is World Peace on the Horizon?

46. The discourse “Peace —Can it Last?”

47. The people were clamouring for peace.

48. The olive branch stands for peace.

49. No Peace for the False Messengers!

50. The peace - loving people deprecate war.

51. War And Peace

52. Prince of Peace.

53. So the question is, Will peace, not just in the Middle East but world peace, ever be achieved?

54. The Commination, which started with the bleakness of curses and divine wrath, has moved to something very different—grace, peace, peace now, peace forevermore, and with this grace and peace there are hints of the marriage supper of the Lamb

55. With one peace for his people... but peace had come at a price.

56. ‘No Peace for the Wicked Ones’

57. No need to sugarcoat the peace.

58. The dove is symbolic of peace.

59. In the restored Paradise, all men will be peaceable and meek; they will “find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” —Psalm 37:11.

60. Peace and harmony one

61. An Administration for Peace

62. Peace be with you.

63. Make and keep peace

64. An era of peace.

65. Weapon bode [breed] peace.

66. Netanyahu has said: Right now, the peace talks are based only one thing, only on peace talks.

67. "Israeli peace advocate attacked".


69. No Obstacle to Peace

70. Lasting peace and security.

71. “Peace as Your Overseers”

72. The noise marred the peace of night.

73. The goal was not simply to restore old boundaries but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other and remain at peace.

74. Global Peace Will Affect Even the Animals

75. The people desire peace, security and happiness.

76. They have transgressed the treaty of peace.

77. 5 The people at large want peace.

78. The dove is a symbol of peace.

79. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

80. They were charged with disturbing the peace .